Updated 19th July 2021

The Government have advised that lockdown measures can be lifted from today – Monday 19th July, whilst we are delighted that we can move away from the restrictions that have impacted us all so greatly during this time, we are conscious that Covid has not gone away. With this in mind, we have decided as a business to keep some measures in place to protect both team members and guests.

Team members will continue to wear face coverings and we politely request that our guests do the same when in any public areas of the hotel. As always, face coverings can be removed when sat at a table or when outdoors.

We will continue to ask our guests to complete track and trace information and pre-arrival questionnaires.

You will continue to see hand sanitisation points around the hotel and our team will continue to follow all cleaning protocols to keep us Covid-secure.

As you will appreciate, our aim is to maintain a covid safe environment that guests and team members feel comfortable and happy in. We will continue to review this on a regular basis.

As we head into a busy summer holiday period, please stay safe everyone and I look forward to welcoming you all to B+B York.

Emma and the B+B York team


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B+B York
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B+B York
+44 (0) 1904 559 777
B+B York
15 St Peter's Grove
YO30 6AQ

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